MOS Controlled Thyristor Advantages Demerits and Applications

SOA of MOS Controlled Thyristor (MCT)


  • Figure shows the SOA of the MCT. It is limited by the maximum controllable anode current, maximum power dissipation and the maximum temperature of the device.
  • With increase in anode cathode voltage, we must decrease the maximum current (derating) due to power dissipation.
  • We may not need a snubber for MCT.
    FBSOA of MCT
Advantages of MOS Controlled Thyristor (MCT)
  1. MCT is a voltage controlled device.
  2. The switching loss is low.
  3. MCT can be turned off easily.
  4. High input impedance due to MOS input structure.
  5. Low forward on state voltage drop.
  6. Simpler gate driving circuit.
  7. Short turn on and turn off delays.
  8. Parallel connection is easy.
Demerits of MOS Controlled Thyristor (MCT)
  1. The reverse blocking capacity of MCT is low.
  2. It needs wider turning off gate pulse.
  3. There is a possibility of device destruction if it is turned off at higher current levels.
Applications of MOS Controlled Thyristor (MCT)
Following are the applications of MCT
  1. Circuit breakers.
  2. High power converters.
  3. Induction heating.
  4. UPS systems.
  5. DC to DC converters.

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