Pulse Transformer
- For coupling square wave or a pulse from primary to secondary the conventional transformer need change of shape of signal.
- Pulse transformer is a transformer which is designed to couple pulses from primary to the load connected to secondary without changing the shape of the pulse.
- Pulse transformers are used for coupling pulses from a low power digital circuit to a highpower SCR or Triac Circuit maintaining the isolation between them.
Following are the Majour Features (Advantages) of Pulse Transformer.
- Small and compact sizes.
- High permeability alloy material is used for its core . Generally Ferrite cores of permalloys are used for this.
- The transformer winding has less no . of turns which results in small value of leakage reactance.
- Capacitance between windings is lower.
- Magnetizing inductance of such transformer is high.
- It has a high voltage insulation between its windings and earth (ground).
Following Figure Represents Input – Output Wave Forms of a Pulse Transformers.
Following important parameters are to be considered.
- Overshoot : Amount by which the output voltage of pulse transformer exceeds it peak value (Vm) it is known as over shoot (see the Figure)
- Peak value (Vm) : Maximum value of pulse output without considering overshoot is known as peak value (Vm)
- Rise time (Tr) : Time taken by the pulse output to raise 90 % of peak (Vm) value from 10 % value is a “Rise Time “Tr shall as small as possible.
- Fall time (Tf ) : Decrease from peak (Vm) value to 10 % of Vm in the time is a fall time.
- Undershoot : The portion of the o.p voltage wave form which extends below the zero level is called as undershoot or “Back Swing “.
- Pulse width : The time interval between the successive instants corresponding to 50 % Vm is called is pulse width.
- Droop : The reduction is pulse amplitude corresponding to the flat portion of the pulse is called as “Droop”. Droop is also called as “Sag” or Tilt.
- See these terms marked in the Figure
Applications of Pulse Transformer
- It is used as Isolation Transformer.
- Pulse amplitude circuit is used for triggering SCRs.
- This circuit is used in Radars and also in Cathod Ray Tubes (CRTS).
- It is used in control circuit.
- In microwave tube circuits.
- Used in pulse generating circuit.