Electrical Safety Rules and Precautions

Ten Life Saving Rules : 

Don’t look the other way

  1. I am trained and certified to perform the site activities.
  2. I perform on site risk assessment prior to start of work.
  3. I clearly identify, isolate, secure, verify, earth and demarcate the work area.
  4. I wear all personal protective equipment’s required for each tasks.
  5. I obtain work permit from customer and brief to workers under my control.
  6. I make sure myself and others working under my control are safe.
  7. I stop the work if it is unsafe and resume only if it is safe to proceed.
  8. I work only as per the agreed scope and escalate if any change.
  9. I use proper rated test equipment, calibrated instruments and insulated tools.
  10. I report all hazards and fix the possible hazards without taking any risk.

“I, will work safely today, my family needs me tomorrow”.

Actions to be ensured in following sequence.

  1. Do a holistic risk assessment of all service activities.
  2. Map the resources as per Competency level (Electrical Competency Mode/Skill Matrix).
  3. Build the competency of resources on technical/safety (i.e. Product training, Mentoring, PICW, Job specific hazards safety training)
  4. Equip the workers with PPE’s & tools as per risk assessment/Arc flash PPE matrix.
  5. Control & Monitor the work of service personnel (Authorization of work by Service Manager- Daily Call, TBT, ST5, PTW check).
  6. Empower the Service Personnel to stop work if unsafe (Written communication from Service Manager)
  7. Review the HSE conditions at Service Sites (Weekly Management Review)
  8. HSE Audit at Service Sites (1 Audit/Month by LBU HSE Manager)
  9. HSE Conditions in Customer Contracts (Clear communication of ABB HSE requirements  Tendering/Job request/Service Offer time)
  10. Follow Lifesaving electrical safety rules always,
  • Do on Site Risk Assessment/Point of Work Risk Assessment/Stop take 5.
  • Implement 7 steps that saves lives at ail stages of work.
  • Wear required PPE’s as per Arc flash risk assessment/Arc flash Matrix.
  • Do not work on equipment’s in energized/partially energized condition.
  • Do not break/violate the manufacturer instructions/warnings.
  • Use only properly rated test equipment’s & fully insulated tools.
  • Obtain necessary work permits from Customer for scope of activities.
  • Do not deviate from original scope of work.
  • Work only with competent people who understand the hazards and risks of the job,
  • Apply lock out tag out on all possible sources of isolated supplies.
  • Test the equipment /circuit before you touch.
  • No lone working is permitted. Work under supervision only.
  • Be ready & equipped for handling emergencies.


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