Reasons of Fault Occurrence in Electrical Power System

Q. Explain the causes for faults.
Q. State the causes of fault.

  • Mostly the faults are caused by failure of insulation. The failure of insulation results in short circuits which are very harmful.
  • Faults are also caused by breaking of conductors due to excessive heat or mechanical stresses.
  • Most of the faults on Transmission lines and distribution liens are caused by over voltages due to lightening or switching surges, conducting object falling on overhead lines.
  • Unbalance currents flowing in rotating machines set up harmonics, there by heating the machines.
  • Certain faults occur due to the poor quality of system components or because of faulty system design.
  • Sometimes circuit breakers may trip due to errors in the switching operations testing or maintenance work, wrong connections defects in protective devices.
  • Other causes of faults on overhead lines are : lightening strokes, air crafts, ice and snow loading, abnormal loading, storms, earthquakes, creepers etc.

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