Railway Train Signaling

What is Railway Train Signaling

  • Signaling is very important parameter in traction system. To achieve the proper coordination amongst the electric locomotive signals are must.
  • To run the locomotive faster and to handle the large volume of traffic in given time with proper arrangement signaling plays very important role.
  • Basically, signals are the devices which are use to control the transfers of the electric locomotives.
  • Greater safety, efficient and faster handling of mass transportation is possible only by appropriate signaling.
  • In early days, manual signals were used which causes delay in providing accurate signals and causes human errors which has lead to several mishaps.
  • Nowadays, modern signaling is provided which comprises of automatic signaling, interlocking, automatic locomotive control, centralized traffic control etc.
  • These modern signaling systems eliminated all the drawbacks of manual signals.

Requirements of Signaling System
Following are the requirement of traction signaling:

  • In general, all the traction signals are located on the left side of the track for which it refers. Only in certain cases it is located on the right hand side.
  • No portion of a post or fittings of a colour light signal shall disobey with the schedule of the dimensions from the center line of the nearest track.
  • The signal units are so fixed that the height of the center line of the red signal shall be approximately 3.65 meter above the track.
  • No part of the signal without a track indicator shall normally be higher than 5.2 meter above the track
  • If the signals are located between the tracks, no OHE structures shall be provided in the same track space for at least 600 meter in the rear of the signal.
  • The visibility of the signal is very much important. The signal shall be checked by day as well as by night by the official in charge. If at any instance, the official feels visibility is not adequate, he shall impose suitable speed restrictions and take such steps as are required to improve the visibility.
  • The signal should indicate the position of the locomotive.
  • Signaling should provide the automatic and semiautomatic operation. In case of any failure of automatic signaling system, the manual system of signaling should be provided.
  • The coordination and communication between the stations should be properly maintained for accurate signaling.
  • It should be in a exact position to indicate the status of the locomotive i.e. red colour for ştop, green colour for run and yellow colour for the locomotive is on the verge of starting.
  • It should not cause any kind confusion against the train movements. It should provide the safety traffic movement.
  • It will help in reducing the operating expenses and at the same time it will help in earning revenue by increasing the track capacity.

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