Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Thermal Power Plants Over Conventional Thermal Power Plants

Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Thermal Power Plants Over Conventional Thermal Power Plants

Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Thermal Power Plants Over Conventional Thermal Power Plants

Advantages of Solar Thermal Power Plants :
  1. Saves costly and depleting fossil fuels.
  2. Pollution free.
  3. Do not require fuel transportation.
  4. Can be installed far away from fuel sources and in remote areas.
Disadvantages of Solar Thermal Power Plants :
  1. Cost of power generation is high.
  2. Needs standby power.
  3. Needs very large collector area for installation.
  4. Cannot supply continuous electric power.
  5. Only suitable where favourable sun-shine conditions are available.
  6. Low thermal efficiency.
  7. Needs thermal storage system.

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