Nuclear Power Plants In India

Nuclear Power Plants In India

Nuclear Power Plants In India

Following nuclear power plant stations have been built in India :
1. Tarapur atome power station :
  1. This is the India’s first nuclear power station of 380 MW capacity which has been built at Tarapur situated on west coast at a distance of about 100 km from Bombay in collaboration with USA.
  2. It consists of two beiling water reactors (BWR) which uses enriched uranium as fuel.
  3. It first unit was commissioned in 1961 and the second unit in 1966.
2. Rana Pratap Sagar atomic power station :
  1. This is the second nuclear power plant built in India in collaboration with Canada.
  2. It has been commissioned at about 67 km south-west of Kota in Rajasthaan.
  3. It has two reactor of CANDU type each of 200 MW capacity.
  4. It uses natural uranium as fuel in the form of oxide and heavy water as moderator and coolant.
  5. It was installed in 1971.
3. Kalpakkam nuclear power station :
  1. It is the third nuclear power station built in India at 65 km away from Madras.
  2. This is the first nuclear power plant which has been fully designed by Indian scientists and Engineers using indigenous materials.
  3. It has two units each of 235 MW capacity.
  4. Its first units was installed in 1983 and the other unit in 1988.
  5. It has pressurized heavy water reactor and uses natural uranium as fuel.
4. Narora nuclear power station :
  1. This is India’s fourth nuclear power station built at Narora in Baland Shaber district of Uttar Pradesh.
  2. It has two plants each of 235 MW capacity with a provisica for extension of its capacity upto 500 MW.
  3. It uses CANDU-pressurized heavy water reactor system.
  4. The fuel used is natural uranium and the heavy water is used as moderator and coolant.
  5. This plant supplies power to Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, J and K, Himachal Pradesh and Chandigarh.
5. Kakarpar nuclear power station :
  1. The fifth nuclear power station is located at Kakarpar near Surat in Gujrat.
  2. It would have four CANDU-pressurized heavy water reactors cach of 235 MW capacity.
  3. It is simila in design as the reactors used at Narora.
  4. The fuel will be fabricated at “Nuclear fuel complex”, Hyderabad.
6. Kalga atomic power station :
  1. The sixth nuclear power station is located at Kaiga in Karnataka State.
  2. It has two units of 235 MW each.
7. Other Nuclear Power Plants Planned in India :
  1. Two PWR reactor power plants of 2000 MW capacity have been planned at Kudankulam and new projects of (6 x 500 = 3000) MW capacity are under planning stage at various locations.

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