Advantages and Disadvantages of Steam Power Plant
Advantages and Disadvantages of Steam Power Plants :
(A) Advantages of Steam Power Plants :
- Fuel used is cheaper.
- They can respond quickly with changes in load on the plant.
- Space required is less compared to hydro power plants.
- A portion of steam can be used as process steam for various industries.
- They can be overloaded upto 20% without difficulty. Cost of electric power generation and its initial cost is less compared to diesel plants.
- Can be located near the load centre conveniently thus reduces the transmission line cost and loss of energy in transmission lines.
(B) Disadvantages of Steam Power Plants :
- Operation and maintenance cost is high.
- Time needed for errection of plant is high before it is put to operation.
- Large quantity of water is needed.
- Coal and ash handling poses a serious problem.
- The part load efficiency is low.
- Pollution causes health problems to workers and habitants near the thermal power plant.