Function of Boiler, Superheater and Condenser in Thermal Power Plant

Function of Boiler, Superheater and Condenser in Thermal Power Plant

Function of Boiler, Superheater and Condenser in Thermal Power Plant

  1. Boiler : The boiler is essentially a closed vessel inside which water is stored. Coal is burnt in a furnace and hot gases are produced. These hot gases come in contact with water vessel. where the heat of these hot gases transfer to the water and consequently steam is produced In the boiler. Then this steam is piped to the turbine of the thermal power plant. State any four factors on selection of site for a thermal power plant.
  2. Superheater : Steam produced from a boiler without a superheater will either be dry saturated or more likely, wet. In works where steam is transmitted over long distances  the inevitable heat loss from pipe surfaces causes the steam to become even wetter at the point of use unless a superheater is fitted to the boiler plant. This is a separate battery of pipes placed near the boiler furnace through which steam passes to receive additional heat by either convection or radiation. The superheater Increases the surface area capable of accepting heat and the production of heat also slightly increases the thermal efficiency of the boiler.
  3. Condenser : In a steam condenser, the exhaust steam from steam turbine is condensed by means of cooling water. The steam condenser maintains a low back pressure on the exhaust side of the steam turbine. After releasing from nozzles, the steam has to expand to a great extent for converting available energy into it to usable mechanical work. So, if the steam after doing its work does not get condensed, it will not give required space to other steam behind it, to expand to its required volume.

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