Medium Temperature Solar Power Plant

Medium Temperature Solar Power Plant

  • Concentrating collectors are used in such plant.
  • Temperature limit is 250° to 400°C.
  • Water is used to heat carrier from collector.

Components of Medium Temperature Solar Power Plant

1. Array of solar concentrating collector, 2. Storage tank, 3. Steam generator, 4. Steam turbine, 5. Generator, 6. Condenser.

Medium Temperature Solar Power Plant

  1. Array used is concentrated parabolic trough type, collects solar radiations. Heat carried to storage tank.
  2. Further in the steam generator.
  3. Steam goes to drive steam-turbine.
  4. Mechanical energy of turbine drives the generator.
  5. and It converts It into electrical energy. Exhaust steam comes to condenser
  6. Where it Is condensed by cooled water from cooling tower and pumped
  7. Back to steam generator. This type of plant is running Rajasthan of capacity 30 MW. Temperature

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