Advantages and Disadvantages of Hydro Electric Power Plants

Advantages and Disadvantages of Hydro Electric Power Plants

Advantages and Disadvantages of Hydro-electric Power Plants

Hydro electric power plants have the following advantages :

  1. It is simple in construction, is robust and requires low maintenance cost.
  2. No preparation time is required, hence can be put in service instantly.
  3. It responses to changing loads without difficulty.
  4. There are no standby losses.
  5. Few experienced people are required to run the plant.
  6. No fuel is burnt, hence is pollution free.
  7. A single unit of very high output can be used.
  8. Running charges are very small.
  9. Efficiency of the plant remains constant If proper maintenance is carried out.
  10. Plant is quite neat and clean.
  11. Water discharged from the turbines can be used for irrigation and other purposes.

Following are the disadvantages of hydro electric power stations :

  1. Capital cost of generators, civil engineering work etc. are enormously high.
  2. As the plants are in hilly area away from the population, long distance transmission lines are required, which cost very much.
  3. As storage of water is dependable on rains, long dry seasons will affect on the delivery of power.

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