Selection of a Site For Hydro Power Plant
Following are the factors to be taken into account at the time of selecting a site for hydro power project :
- Ample quantity of water at a reasonable head should be continuously available as far as possible throughout the year.
- The site should be such that it is possible to construct a dam economically to store the water. Preferably there should be high, strong mountains on the two sides of a river.
- At the site selected it should have strong foundation or the cost of foundation should be minimum.
- There should be no possibility of future sources of leakage of water.
- The dam or reservoir constructed should have large catchment area so that the water in should never fall below the minimum level.
- The site should be approachable by road.
- There should be possibility of stream diversion during the period of construction.
- It should be near to load centre, so that cost of transmission lines is reduced.
- Local supplies of sand, gravel etc. should be available, otherwise it will increase the cost of plant.