Interconnected Power Stations

Interconnected Power Stations

  • When a particular load is to be supplied from two or more generating stations, it is necessary to interconnect the generating stations, so that there is no overloading and the loads are shared in proportion to installed capacity or as per our desire two stations are interconnected having equal capacity then they will share equal load.
Interconnected Stations
  • Let the two generating stations Xand X2, supply load currents I1 and I2 , to the load through transmission lines 1 and 2 as shown in Figure. Let the generating stations be interconnected by the interconnector which carries a current of Iamps.
  • The transfer of power is taking place in the direction of arrows. Under the condition that the terminal voltage of both generators should be same if they supply the load by interconnection; also if the power supplied by each is equal, then the active components of line currents  I1 and I2  must be equal, when overload occurs on any of the stations, it will be relieved by flow of power from the other station through the interconnector value of currents I1 and I2  will be minimum, when their active and reactive components will be equal. In order to achieve this in practice it is necessary to install a regulating equipment at the start of each transmission line and in the interconnector, so that voltage at sending end shall take into account the impedance drop in the lines and the interconnector.

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