Conditions for Parallel Operation of 3Φ Transformer.

Conditions for Parallel Operation of 3Φ Transformer.

Q. State various conditions for parallel operation of 3Φ transformer.

Conditions :

  1. Voltage ratings of the primary windings should be suitable for supply system voltage and frequency. 
  2. The windings must be properly connected as regards their polarities. 
  3. Voltage ratings of primary and secondary of both transformers must be identical (i.e. they should have same turns ratio or voltage transformers ratio). 
  4. The per-unit or % impedances of both should be equal in magnitude and have same X / R ratio to avoid circulating current. 
  5. kVA ratings of both may be same, but if not, then their % impedances should be inversely proportional to the individual kVA ratings to avoid circulating current.
Conditions for Parallel Operation of 3Φ Transformer.

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