Procedure To Rescue A Person Who Received An Electric Shock

Procedure To Rescue A Person Who Received An Electric Shock

Q.Explain The Procedure To Be Followed To Rescuing A Person Who Have Received An Electric Shock? 

Procedure To Rescue A Person Who Received An Electric Shock
The procedure to be followed to rescue a person who has received an electric shock is as follows

  1. Call the doctor immediately. 
  2. If the main switch is close by, switch it off at once. If not, ask someone to contact the substation supplying the area to cut off the supply temporarily. Use the telephone or send some one immediately. Prevent any one else rushing ignorantly out to rescue the victim and getting himself electrocuted in trying to help, cordon off the area involved until supply is cut off. Try to disconnect the person from the supply by any means available if switching system is not very near. What is required is immediate action. 
  3. If the voltage is 500 volts or below, every attempt should be made to free the person from contact with the live wire after protecting oneself with any dry insulating material. But in the case of high voltage circuits, switching off the supply is obligatory.
  4. To free the person from contact with live wire, stand on a dry plank, stool, table or any other insulating object and pull the man away from the mains. If it is not possible, pull his coat if dry. Use your own coat, dry cloth, paper, bamboo stick, wooden pole etc., either to pull or push the person without touching his body directly. Sometimes the live wire itself (if L.T.) may be pulled or pushed away using a dry bamboo or any other dry stick such as walking stick.
  5. Observe the victim if he is unconscious and breathing normally. If not, start giving artificial respiration without any delay. It requires training and practice to give artificial respiration, in the absence of which, it is more likely that the patient may be smothered. When the person regains consciousness, stimulants should be avoided unless ordered by the doctor.

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