Advantages and Disadvantages of Parallel Inverter

Advantages and Disadvantages of Parallel Inverter

Advantages :

  1. The load voltage waveform is not dependent on the load, as it does in series inverter.
  2. Only two SCRare required as compared to at least four in bridge inverter configuration. (additional auxiliary SCRS are also required in bridge configuration).
  3. It uses the simple class C commutation.
  4. It is a simple and economical circuit.
  5. With the help of a filter connected on the output side, it is possible to obtain a good quality sinewave at the output.
  6. Commutation components do not have to carry the entire load current.

Disadvantages :

  1. The centre tapped output transformer is essential for the operation of the circuit. The transformer efficiency will not be 100% hence the efficiency of this type of inverter will be reduced.
  2. There is always a possibility of magnetic saturation of the core.
  3. This circuit is suitable to handle only fixed loads.
Waveform and Equivalent Circuits for the Parallel Inverters

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