Chemical and Nuclear Reactions

Chemical and Nuclear Reactions In a chemical reaction each atom participates as a whole and it involves the combination or separation of whole atoms in exothermic and endothermic reactions respectively. Consider the chemical reaction of carbon with oxygen which can be written as : C+O2→CO2+ heat energy released. The heat energy released is about 4 … Read more

Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Power Plants

Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Power Plants Q. What are the advantages of nuclear power plants? Q. What are 4 advantages of nuclear power? Q. Advantages and Challenges of Nuclear Energy Q. Nuclear energy pros and cons Following are the advantages of nuclear plants : It reduces the demand on depleting resources of energy and … Read more

Relationship Between Power and Various Efficiencies

Relationship Between Power and Various Efficiencies Refer figure shows the input power to runner and output power, Po from generator, Let H, Q = Discharge, (m3/s)              ρ = Density of water = 1000 kg/m3 Input Power Pi = ρ.g.Q.H/1000 (kW) Mechanical Efficiency, ηm ηm = Shaft power available from runner, Ps/ Input power, Pi Generator efficiency, … Read more

Classification and Selection of Hydraulic Turbine

Classification and Selection of Hydraulic Turbine Basically the turbines are classified as impulse and reaction turbines as discussed earlier. However, their further classification and selection is based on several ground data including the availability of head, discharge, specific speed etc as follows : 1) According to Head and Quantity of Water Available : Table A … Read more

Performance of Water Turbines

Performance of Water Turbines Water turbines are designed to work under given head, discharge and output at certain speed. However, the turbine may be needed to work under such operating conditions which are different than designed values. Therefore, the performance testing of turbines becomes very essential to evaluate its characteristics. Also, it is essential to … Read more