Applications of Hydrothermal Resources

Applications of Hydrothermal Resources Hydrothermal resources are those in which the water is heated by contact with the hot rock as explained above. These resources are located at shallow to moderate depths of 100 m to 5 km. Hydrothermal resources are further subdivided into : Vapour dominated (dry steam fields) Liquid dominated (wet steam fields) … Read more

Applications of Geothermal Energy

Applications of Geothermal Energy Important applications of geothermal energy are listed below : Space heating and cooling Generation of electrical power Industrial process heat. Other applications include desalination of water, heavy water production, extraction of minerals from geothermal fluids , timber seasoning etc. However, the geothermal energy is presently utilised mainly for power generation and … Read more

Origin and Types of Geothermal Energy

Origin and Types of Geothermal Energy Million’s year ago, the planet earth’s formation took place from gravitational collapse of the sun. The earth’s interior having the mass of hot liquids, gases and steam is cooling slowly and the temperature of the earth’s core is estimated to be about 4000°C. As the fluids are cooled by … Read more

Various Factors Affecting the Production of Biogas

Various Factors Affecting the Production of Biogas The rate of production of biogas depends on the following factors : Temperature and pressure Solid concentration and loading rate Retention period pH value Nutrients composition Toxic substances Digester size and shape Stirring agitation of the content of digester. 1. Temperature and pressure : The process of anaerobic … Read more

Biogas Generation

Biogas Generation Biogas is produced by anaerobic decomposition of organic wastes by suitable bacteria. It contains (55-65) percent methane, (30-40) percent carbon dioxide and the remainder are impurities like H2S, H2,H2 gases. The main source of production of biogas are crop residue, wet cow dung, vegetable wastes, water hyacinth, algae, poultry or piggery droppings, human waste, … Read more

Energy Conversion from Biomass

Energy Conversion from Biomass The various process used for conversion of biomass into energy or bio fuels can be classified as follows: Direct combustion Thermo chemical conversion Biochemical conversion 1. Direct Combustion : The direct combustion of biomass in presence of oxygen/air to produce heat and by products is called direct combustion. The complete combustion … Read more

Biomass and Biomass Energy Resources

Biomass and Biomass Energy Resources Biomass is an organic matter produced by plants, both grown on land (terristial biomass) and grown on water (aquatic biomass) and their derivatives and animal manure. The energy obtained from biomass is called the biomass energy. Biomass can be considered a form of solar energy as it is used indirectly … Read more

Principle of Operation of Fuel Cells

Principle of Operation of Fuel Cells As stated above, a fuel cell is an electro-chemical device in which the chemical energy of fuel is continuously converted into electric energy. This conversion of energy takes place at constant pressure and temperature. For explaining the principle of operation of fuel cells, here we shall considera hydrogen (H2)-oxygen … Read more