Direct Lightening Strokes Electrical Protection

Direct Lightening Strokes Basically, lightning strike is an electric discharge on a massive scale between the atmosphere and an earth bound object. Most of the lightning events are between the clouds to cloud where discharges only occur in the high atmosphere. Near about 25% of all the lightning events is ground to cloud. A lightning … Read more

Lightning Arrester for Railway Systems and Voltage Limiter

Lightning Arrester for Traction Systems 1. DC Traction Arrester2. Track Side Arrester3. AC Surge Arrester4. Low Voltage Limiter 5. Enhanced Voltage Limiter This is installed in between the current return path and the structures lying alongside to the rails, such as telecommunication, signalling and electrical equipment. In case of over voltages, enhanced voltage limiter generates … Read more

Lightning Arresters for Railway System

Lightning Arrester for Traction Systems 1. DC Traction Arrester It is of 10 kA rating. It is designed to be used on the DC voltage systems in the traction applications. Their function is to limit the damaging effects of large lightning derived transient overvoltage conditions. They are suitable for indoor or outdoor applications and can … Read more

Surge Protection of Railway System (Traction system)

Surge Protection of Traction System Q. Explain with neat sketch protection of locos against lightening surges. There is a wide expansion of the track electrification worldwide. We often forget the hidden enemy and widespread damage that comes with overvoltage power surges. The easiest ways to understand are those which are derived from the lightning strikes … Read more

DOL Starter Control and Power Wiring diagram, DOL Starter

DOL Starter Control and Power Wiring Diagram The Direct On Line Motor Starter (DOL) consist a MCCB or Circuit Breaker, Contactor and an overload relay for protection. Electromagnetic contactor which can be opened by the thermal overload relay under fault conditions. Typically, the contactor will be controlled by separate start and stop buttons, and an … Read more

MCB breaker VS Fuse, Difference between Fuse and MCB in Details

FUSE In electronics and electrical engineering, a fuse is an electrical safety device that operates to provide overcurrent protection of an electrical circuit. Its essential component is a metal wire or strip that melts when too much current flows through it, thereby stopping or interrupting the current. It is a sacrificial device; once a fuse … Read more