Differentiate constant frequency control technique, PWM and variable frequency control technique principle

Define chopper. Differentiate constant frequency control technique, PWM and variable frequency control technique principle. Sr No. Parameter PWM control (Constant f control) Variable frequency control Current limit control 1. Variable parameter TON is variable, (f or T is constant) to vary average output voltage. TON is constant, f is varied to vary average output voltage. … Read more

Single, Two and Four Quadrant Choppers

Single, Two and Four Quadrant Choppers Q. Classify choppers based on output voltage and quadrants of operation. Give applications of chopper. (at least four) Q. Classify choppers based on output voltage and quadrants of operation. List four applications of chopper. Q. Classify choppers based on quadrants. The dc choppers consist of power switches such as … Read more

Constant Pulse Width Variable Frequency of Chopper (Frequency Modulation)

Constant Pulse Width Variable Frequency of Chopper (Frequency Modulation) Q. What is frequency modulation chopper control ? State two methods for this control. List out any two drawbacks of this method. Q. Explain with waveforms the control techniques used for chopper control. Working Principle of Constant Pulse Width Variable Frequency In this method the on time … Read more

Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) techniques for chopper

Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) techniques for chopper or TRC Q. Explain time ratio control and current limit control chopper method for speed control of d.c. series motor. State any four advantages of chopper based D.C. drive. Q. List the control strategies used for chopper and explain TRC. Q. List the various control techniques used in chopper and … Read more