Circuit Breaker Arc Extinction Method

Methods of Arc Extinction :
Q. State and explain the two different methods of arc extinction in a circuit breaker.
Q. Explain the principle of arc extinction in C.B. Explain the arc phenomenon.
Q. State the method of arc extinction.
Q. what are the two different methods of arc extinction in circuit breakers? Explain each method in detail.
Q. State methods of arc extinction and explain working of any one methods with neat circuit diagram.

  • Mainly there are two factors responsible for the maintenance of arc between the contacts. These are :
  1. Potential difference between the contacts
  2. Ionised particles between the contacts.

1. Potential difference between the contacts :

  • When the distance between two separated contacts is small, then the potential difference between them is sufficient to maintain the arc.
  • To extinguish the arc between the contacts, the contacts can be separated to such a distance that potential difference becomes insufficient to maintain the arc.
  • But when the system voltage is very high, this method is impracticable as a separation of many meters may be required.

2. Ionised particles between the contacts :

  • When the arc is struck between the contacts it surrounds by the ionized particles. These particles between tend to maintain the arc.
  • One way to extinguish the arc is to demonize the are path.
  • This may be achieved by cooling the are or by bodily removing the ionized particles from the space between the contacts.
  • Further there are two methods of extinguishing the arc in circuit breaker.
  1. High resistance method.
  2. Low resistance or current zero method.

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