Do’s and Don’ts to achieve safety while working in substation.

Do’s and Don’ts to achieve safety while working in substation. 

Q. List out Do’s and Don’ts to achieve safety while working in substation.

Sr. No.




Please sign ‘Men working’ or warning
boards on the main switch before commencing work.

Do not close any switch, unless you
are familiar with the circuit which it controls and know the reason for it’s
being opened.


Always treat the circuit alive until
you have proved them to be dead.

Do not work on live circuit without
the express order of the person-in –charge , make sure that all the safety
precautions have been taken and operators is  accompanied by a second person competent to
render first aid and the artificial respiration.


Before working on any circuit make
sure that the controlling switches are opened and locked or the fuses are

Do not touch any switch gear, or
conductor unless you have make sure that it is dead and earthed.


Keep the habit or developed the habit
of turning your face away whenever an arc or flash may accured.

Do not disconnect earthing connection.


Make sure that all the connections are

Do not exposed your eyes to an
electric arc, painful injury may occur


Use guard against arc as well as high
voltage. It is observed that burns from arc are very severe.

Do not tamper with the meter boards ,
cut outs.


Test insulating rubber glows

Do not use metal case flash light
around the apparatus which is energized.


Place rubber mats in front of
electrical switch boards.

Do not place any part of your body in
the circuit either to ground or across the terminals during operation or


Avoid accumulation of gases in
unventilated man hole. Vanishes emit flammable vapours.

Do not touch an electric part, when
your hands are wet. Do not work on energized/live circuits without rubber
gloves and plastic hands.


Thoroughly discharge cables to earth
before working on the cores of cables.

Do not turn your face towards the fuse
or switches.


Do's and Don'ts to achieve safety while working in substation.


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