Electric Accidents

Electric Accidents

Q. Define following term w.r.t. electric accidents. 

    (i) Safety                                                     

   (ii)  Hazard                           

   (iii) Accident

   (iv) Accountability

   (v) Authority

   (vi) Responsibility 

Electric Accidents

(i) Safety : Any method or technique or process which can minimize unwanted events or accidents is  called as safety. Industrial safety is mainly concerned with minimizing hazards in the industries.

(ii) Hazard : Hazard is a potential condition a waiting to be converted into an unwanted event or          accident. 

(iii) Accident : An unwanted event which can’t be anticipated in advance may be termed as an      accident.It is always a sudden process and not a gradual one. 

(iv)Accountability : It is the responsibility of the person, for a particular work he is carrying. He is      answerable and punishable for his failure, faults in the work he is carrying. Due to privatization, the      Accountability has increased.

(v)Authority : The person who is authorized, for execution of work is called Authority. The electrician and staff must obey the orders, instructions of authority. If the electrician at his own works on live          line, and gets fetal shock, he himself is held responsible for this act.

(vi) Responsibility : When electric accident takes place, there is possibility of death, damage to the        organs The relatives of the victim want the financial compension. Here, it is always seen that who        is responsible for this accident. The meaning of responsibility is who is responsible for                        accident.Who was in charge of that work where the accident took place.

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