Electric Power flow (Generation Transmission Distribution)

Electric Power flow
Give stages where transformers are used in electric system.

(I) Generation of Electric Power

  • The electricity is generated in the generating station by a generator (alternator). The generator generates electrical power at a definite voltage. The generating voltage is 6.6KV or 11KV.

(II) Transmission of Electric Power

    Q. Why Transmission Line Voltage is High
    Q. How many Volts are in a Transmission Line?
    Q. What are the Advantages of High Voltage Transmission?

  • The electrical power generated at 11KV is now to be transmitted by a transmission line. It is always economical to transmit the power at the higher voltage.
  • This is because, for the same power if it is transferred at higher voltage (P=V.I.) the current in the line is lesser.
  • This requires smaller size of the line conductor and hence, it becomes economical.
  • More over due to less current in the line, line losses are reduced.
  • So, the voltage is increased from the generating voltage to a higher transmission voltage to about 132KV, or 220KV, or 400KV.
  • The highest transmission voltage in our country is 400KV. The increased voltage is obtained by using a step-up transformer.
  • This transmission line comes from generating station to a place near and outside the city area. This place is called as a receiving station.
  • So, the power is received in the receiving station at the higher voltage.
  • This voltage is reduced in the receiving station by using a step down transformer. This voltage is about 11KV.

(III) Distribution of Electric Power
    Q. What is Power Distribution Network?
    Q. What is AC Distribution System?

  • The 11KV lines from the receiving station go to different feeding points and factories, big localities where the voltage is further stepped down by a step down transformer from 11KV to 440 volts and 230 volts. This place is called as sub station.
  • From the sub station the electricity is distributed by distributor (440 volts / 230 volts ) lines in the city, house to house.
  • Generating voltage = 6.6KV or 11KV
  • transmission voltage = 132 KV or 220 KV or maximum 400 KV.
  • Feeder voltage = 11 KV
  • Distribution voltage = 440 volts 3 phase or 230 volts single phase.
  • The transformer for distribution purpose has its secondary winding start connected as shown in Figure (A)
Figure (A)
  • Generally 4 wire distribution is popular. Between any two lines L1, L2  or L2,  L3 or L3, L1 we get a voltage of 440 volts. For power supply and for big motors such as flour mills etc.
  • The supply is given by three wires connected to 3 lines. This is called as 440 volts 3 phase supply.
  • For lighting purpose and house lighting supply the wires are connected between one of the lines and neutral so that it is a 230 volts single phase supply.

Schematic Diagram of Power Stages
    Q. Draw schematic Diagram of Power Stages.
    Q. Draw Electric Power flow Diagram.
    Q. Block diagram of the power stage.

Figure (B)
  • The schematic diagram showing the different stages of power supply system is shown in Figure (B) it also shows the general layout. For different systems the voltage ranges may be different.
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Created By :- Deepakkumar Yadav

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