Electrical Output power in Train for Light and Fan (Three Brush Generator)

Method of Obtaining Constant Electrical Output power in Train

  • The most important requirement of train lighting is to obtain constant output irrespective of locomotive speed.
  • To achieve this there are three methods of obtaining constant output. They are as follows :

  1. Belt Driven Generator
  2. Three Brush Generator
  3. Rosenberg Generator

1. Belt Driven Generator2. Three Brush Generator :

  • To make the output of the generator self regulating, the conventional generator is modified.
  • In this, instead of two brushes three brushes are used.
  • The brushes A, B and C are placed at right angles to each other as shown in the Figure
  • The brushes A and C are used to excite the field winding and the output across brushes A and B is given to the load.
  • As the speed of the train increases, the EMF across the brushes A and B also increases. This will further increase in the load current.
  • This increase in load current will cause increase in the armature reaction a.
  • This makes more and more distortion in the main flux. This further reduces the induced EMF across brushes AC, which helps in reducing the field excitation.
  • This will cause the reduction in the EMF generated across main brushes AB.

3. Rosenberg Generator

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