Electrical Power Generating Process

Electrical Power Generating Process with Blog Diagram

Electrical Power Generating
  • Generating stations convert one form of energy into another form of energy.
  • There are various sources in the nature having some form of energy from which mechanical energy is obtained which is converted into electrical energy.
    Electrical Power Generating Process with Blog Diagram
  • Following is the line block diagram giving the energy conversion basically.

Energy Conversion in Thermal Power Plant

  • In the thermal power station, coal is burnt in the boiler, water is heated and steam is formed at high pressure. The steam is impinched on the blade assembly of steam turbines which rotate and mechanical energy is produced by rotation.
  • To the turbine shaft the shaft of the generator (alternator) is coupled, so generator starts rotating which convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. This is the basic flow of energy conversion in thermal power plant. Here steam turbines act as a prime mover of generator.
  • For any power station, “site selection” is very important to help the power station to run economically.
  • “Thermal” has a broad meaning. To get the thermal energy by various methods and use it to convert it into “Electrical Energy
  1. We get the thermal energy by burning (firing) coal in boilers. This is converted into electrical energy and the plant or station is called “Thermal Power Plant”.
  2. Gas produced by various methods can also be used in electricity production. The plant is called Gas Power Station.
  3. Liquid fuel like diesel can be used to produce thermal power in diesel engine to which generator can be coupled to get electrical energy. This plant is called as “Diesel Electric Power Plant”.

  • By electronic fission of uranium, large amount of heat energy is obtained to boil the water to form steam to drive steam turbine and connecting generator to it we get electricity. Such plant Is called as Nuclear Power Plant.
  • In all such plants the input energy is a thermal energy which is finally converted into electrical energy.
  • All such plants are called as thermal plants:
  1. Coal based thermal power plant
  2. Gas based thermal power plant
  3. Diesel based thermal power plant
  4. Nuclear based thermal power plant
  • In all plants, site selection is important.

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