Factors on Which Severity of Electric Shock Depends.
Q. State any four factors on which severity of shock depends.
Severity of shock depends on following factors such as,
- Supply system whether D.C. or A.C. D.C. shock is more serious.
- Which part of the body touched to linked machine.
- Voltage and current strength of the system.
- Area of contact of the body to the faulty machine.
- Period of contact of the body part to the faulty system.
- Resistance of the body.
- Resistance of the body.
Resistance of the body is different for different persons. Even for the same person the body resistance depends on the condition of the body such as totally wet, semi dry/wet, dry etc. The current by simple ohm’s law I = V/R where V is voltage, R = body resistance, I = current through body. In dry condition body resistance varies between 70,000 Ω to 1,00.000 Ω per sq.cm (cm2)
The skin resistance> internal body resistance.In wet condition body resistance decrease.It may be between 700 Ω to 1000 Ω/ cm2. Generally average effective resistance of the body is taken as 50,000 Ω when dry 1000 Ω when wet.
Severity of Shock also depends on
(i)Frequency (f) of current : Less frequency the shock is more severe.
(ii) Path taken by the current through the body
(a) If path is not through chest and heart then survival is possible.
(b)But if the path is through chest/heart then it is dangerous.
(iii) Duration of contact with electric installation
(a) More time duration contact is dangerous.
(b) Person should be departed from the contact of machine immediately with a insulated thing
(iv) Area of contact
(a) More contact area more is the risk.
(v) Pressure
(a) More pressure of the body part with leaked m/c dangerous is the shock
(vi) Physical condition of a person.
(vii) How much current in mA/sec is passed in the body.