Gas Turbine Electric Power Plant
- This is the power plant in which a turbine is used which is driven by the hot gas directly. To the gas turbine, an alternator (generator) is coupled which converts turbine rotational energy into electrical energy.
Gas Turbine
- Gas turbine is similar to steam turbine having blades fitted on the shaft and when high pressure gas is impinged on the blades, mechanical energy is produced to rotate the turbine shaft.
Fuels Used in Gas Turbine Movement
- Natural gas mainly “Methane” is generally used because of its higher calorific value.
- Liquid petroleum fuels are also available.
- Methane is 80% and other gases about 20% form a prime fuel for gas turbine driven plants . Following solid , liquid fuels can also be used to produce gas- kerosene, gas oil, diesel, residual oil etc. but methane is most popular.