Introduction of Inverter Circuit

Introduction of Inverter Circuit

Definition of Inverter :

  • Inverter is another category of converters, which converts dc input power into ac output power.
  • Therefore inverters are also known as dc to ac converters.
  • The application areas for the inverters include the Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS), the ac motor speed controllers, etc.

Block Diagram of Inverter :

Block Diagram of an Inverter
  • Figure shows the block diagram of an inverter. It takes dc power from a dc power supply and produces a variable AC output.
  • The inverters can be classified on the basis of a number of factors like, the nature of output waveform (sine, square, quasi square, PWM etc), the power devices being used (thyristor, transistor, MOSFETSIGBTS), the configuration being used, (series, parallel, half bridge, full bridge), the type of commutation circuit that is being employed and voltage source or current source inverters.
  • The thyristorised inverters use SCRS as power switches. Because the input source of power is pure dc in nature, forced commutation circuit is an essential part of thyristorised inverters.
  • The commutation circuits must be carefully designed to ensure a successful commutation of SCRS.
  • The addition of the commutation circuit makes the thyristorised inverters bulky and costly.
  • The size and the cost of the circuit can be reduced to some extent if the operating frequency is increased but then the inverter grade thyristors which are special thyristors manufactured to operate at a higher frequency must be used, which are costly.
  • This chapter includes the detailed analysis of different types of transistorised and thyristorised inverters.

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