Lightning Arresters for Railway System

Lightning Arrester for Traction Systems

1. DC Traction Arrester

  • It is of 10 kA rating. It is designed to be used on the DC voltage systems in the traction applications.
  • Their function is to limit the damaging effects of large lightning derived transient overvoltage conditions.
  • They are suitable for indoor or outdoor applications and can be used trackside and gantry mounted to protect the supply voltage.

2. Track Side Arrester

  • An original design concept for a trackside power supply protection arrester is to be introduced in 2010.
  • This device has a very high thermal dissipation capability and is equally suitable for AC and DC systems and any high energy applications.

3. AC Surge Arrester

  • A new development for 2011 introduction is a range of single phase surge arresters to protect the traction equipment from the electrical transients and disturbance from the overhead line.

4. Low Voltage Limiter

  • They are robustly designed for DC traction systems at high risk locations and are connected between any supporting structures, gantries or frameworks and the rail, which would not normally be directly earthed.
  • The function of this arrester is to reduce touch voltages’ during normal system operation and to limit these voltages during conditions that could result from fallen cabling tec.
5. Enhanced Voltage Limiter
6. Sheath Voltage Limiter
7. Rail Track side Module

A) Direct Lightening Strokes.

B) Switching Surges due to External and Internal factors.

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