MEDA : Maharashtra Energy Development Agency.
- Registered as a society under Societies Registration Act, 1860 (in 1985) and Bombay Public Trust, 1950 (in 1987).
- Under the aegis of MNRE, GOL.
- Assistance to state and central govt to promote and develop new and renewable sources of energy and technologies and to promote and implement energy conservation.
- Working as State Nodal Agency in renewable energy sector and state designated agency in energy conservation.
- Committed to explore the resources such as Wind, Bagasse Cogeneration, Hydro, Biomass, Geothermal, Wave which are clean and eco-friendly in nature.
Role of MEDA : MEDA shoulders imperative responsibility to conduct awareness, training and capacity building for various stakeholders. Prime objective of such training programs is for ease of implementation of ECBC Compliant buildings in Maharashtra. Beyond the process of modification and enforcement of the codes in the State, the capacity building training activity plays a key role in creating awareness of Energy Conservation Building Code throughout the State.
Responsibilities of MEDA :
- To identify the type of Stakeholders for ECBC capacity Building Training Workshops.
- Identify potential locations for the Training Workshops.
- Identify organizations who can organize the training programs.
- All the financial help for such programs will be given by MEDA.
- MEDA may also give Speakers for such programs.