Practical Methods of Energy Conservation (Energy Conservation Techniques)

Practical Methods of Energy Conservation (Energy Conservation Techniques)

Practical Methods of Energy Conservation (Energy Conservation Techniques)

Below are ten energy conservation techniques that can help you to reduce your overall carbon footprint and save money in the long run.

  1. Install CFL Lights : Try replacing incandescent bulbs in your home with CFL bulbs. CFL bulbs cost more upfront but last 12 times longer than regular incandescent bulbs. CFL bulbs will not only save energy but over time you end up saving money.
  2. Lower the Room Temperature : Even a slight decrease in room temperature lets say by only a degree or two, can result in big energy savings . The more the difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures,  the more energy it consumes to maintain room temperature. A more smarter and comfortable way of doing this is to buy a programmable thermostat. 
  3. Fix Air Leaks : Proper insulation will fix air leaks that could be costing you. During winter months, you could be letting out a lot of heat if you do not have a proper insulation. You can fix those leaks yourself or call an energy expert to do it for you.
  4. Use Maximum Daylight : Turn off lights during day and use daylight as much as possible. This will reduce the burden on the local power grid and save you good amount of money in the long run.
  5. Get Energy Audit Done : Getting energy audit done by hiring an energy audit expert for your home is an energy conservation technique that can help you conserve energy and save good amount of money every month. Home energy audit is nothing but a process that helps you to identity areas in your home where it is losing energy and what steps you can take to overcome them Implement the tips and suggestions given by those energy experts and you might see some drop in your monthly electricity bill.
  6. Use Energy Efficient Appliances : When planning to buy some electrical appliances, prefer to buy one with Energy Star rating. Energy efficient appliances with Energy Star rating consume less energy and save you money. They might cost you more in the beginning but it is much more of an investment for you.
  7. Drive Less , Walk More and Carpooling : Yet another energy conservation technique is to drive less and walk more. This will not only reduce your carbon footprint but will also keep you healthy as walking is a good exercise. If you go to office by car and many of your colleagues stay nearby try doing carpooling with them.This will not only bring down your monthly bill you spend on fuel but will also make you socially more active. 
  8. Switch Off Appliances when Not in Use : Electrical appliances like coffee machine, idle printer, desktop computer keep on using electricity even when not in use. Just switch them off if you don’t need them immediately.
  9. Plant Shady Landscaping : Shady landscaping outside your home will protect it from intense heat during hot and sunny days and chilly winds during the winter season. This will keep your home cool during summer season and will eventually turn to big savings when you calculate the amount of energy saved at the end of the year.
  10. Install Energy Efficient Windows : Some of the older windows installed at our homes are not energy efficient. Double panel windows and other vinyl frames are much better than single pane windows. Choosing correct blinds can save on your power bills.

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