Procedure for Developing Preventive Maintenance Schedule.

Procedure for Developing Preventive Maintenance Schedule

Q. Explain procedure for developing preventive maintenance schedule. 

Following points are firstly considered prior to prepare a final preventive maintenance schedule. 

Too frequent inspections – will cause waste of time and will not be economical. Too less frequency will invite failure of operation of machine ; and it will waste of time and disturbance in continuity of operation. So decide the frequency of inspection schedule taking into consideration the following item.

  1. Age of the machine : After several days, months, years of working, the machine parts become incapable to give good service. It may become too costly to frequently repair these parts. Think of replacing the parts / replacing the machine. Also replace out dated machine and bring latest machines in the service.
  2. Duty cycle : The frequency of inspection schedule depends on duty cycle working of the machine Different frequency for different duty cycle. such as (a) Continuous working (b) Intermittent working (c) Very less period working.
  3. Cost of the machine : If machine is too costly, at most care is to be taken and hence in its case inspections are frequent. In moderate cost machine and low cost machines frequent inspections are not recommended. Position of the machine in the whole system working also decides the frequency period. If the machine is posional at such a key point that failure of this machine shut downs the complete working system them in its case due care is taken by frequent inspections solution.
  4. Overload working of the machine : In such conditions the inspection of temperature rise must be frequent Care of cooling system must be taken by frequent inspection Air circulation, ventilation must be taken care of. Following maintenance schedules with serve as guidelines.


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