Railway Train Colour Light Signals

Train Colour Light Signals

  • A new state of art signaling systems which will allow more frequent passage of trains on the existing tracks o being progressively installed as the part of the electrification project.
  • Electric light lamps made it possible to produce colour light signals which are bright enough to be seen not only in the night time but also during day time.
  • The electric lamps were employed based on their ratings and as per the range i.e. Short, medium and long range.
  • The colour light signal is a signal which displays light of different colours, depending upon the aspects of the signal to be conveyed to the train operator.
  • Colour light signals mainly consist of Red, Green and Yellow colours. Red colour for stop, Green colour for proceed and yellow colour for verge of starting or probably slowing down the train.
  • Colour light signals have multiple units, depending on the aspects to be conveyed. Two aspects signals have two units, three aspects signals have three units and four aspects have four units.
  • The colour light signal unit is painted in black colour. The post on which the signal is mounted is painted in white colour except for the second distance signal, where the post is painted in black and yellow strips alternately at the distance of 300 mm.
  • Followings are some of the advantages of using colour light signals over manual signaling
  1. It has greater visibility as compared to manual signals due to superior colour effects bring night and in dim lights.
  2. It has no moving parts so it’t virtually maintenance free.
  3. Light weight structures hence easy to install.
  4. It has better visibility during night and foggy weather.
  5. It’s day and night aspects are same.
  6. colour light signals are easier to understand and easy to memories. 

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