Site selection of coal/steam thermal power plant
- So many factors are to be considered for the site selection from the economical and environmental point of view.
- Selection of site for a thermal power plant plays an important role in the economy of the station. One central generating unit is preferred in comparison to number of small units erected here and there which results in low cost of generation. The most economical and ideal station is that which is installed at the central of gravity of the load, because it reduces the length of transmission lines and cables, reducing their cost. Hence, reduction in capital cost of installation can be achieved.
- Though the location at the C.G. of load is best, it may not be feasible since the C.G. of load may be in the heart of city, for example, C.G. for Mumbai may be at V.T., the most feasible and commercial centre, where firstly the land will not be available, if made available it will be very costly and if power station is installed at such a place it will cause a nuisance to the public.
- Hence, following points should be considered at the time of deciding location of the thermal power station:
- The cost of land should not be high, it should be reasonable. [The cost of land will be high in city area as compared with rural area].
- The land selected be such that it should not require to acquire private land, if at all required it should be minimum.
- A large quantity of water must be available. Because a thermal plant needs nearly 560 x 103 kg of water per tone of coal used in the boiler, for condensers etc. Hence, the site should be near a river, dam or canal. Otherwise cooling towers are required, increasing the cost of the plant and also some other source of water for make-up of water lost in evaporation.
- Fuel used in the plant should be cheap and available in nearby mines or there should be ample facilities available for the transportation of fuel to the site.
- The site should be such as to provide good and firm foundation to the building and the plant.
- The land should not be rocky, otherwise it will need blasting for foundation etc., at the same time it should not be marshy so as to be required for pile foundations.
- As far as possible the site should not be surrounded by residential buildings so as to avoid nuisance of smoke, noise, steam, water vapour etc. for the people residing nearby.
- There should be possibility of development of industry in the surrounding area of the site.
- Future expansion of the plant should be possible.
- There should be ample scope for development of industry in the nearby area of site.
- There should be ample facility of accommodation of operational and maintenance staff available at reasonable charges.
- The chimney of the power station should not cause obstruction to flying of airplane.
- Facility for disposal of ash etc. should be available.
- If canal or river water is used for plant, it should not be polluted.
- The site should be such as to serve the interests of national defence.