Specific Electrical Tariffs

Specific Electrical Tariffs

Specific Electrical Tariffs

1. Power factor incentives :

  • Incentive is given to those consumers who are charged on the basis of maximum demand and are provided with meters to measure their load power factor.
  • When the average power factor of the consumer is more than 0.95 an incentive at the rate of 1% of the amount of the monthly bill is given.
  • It includes energy charges, additional supply charges fuel adjustment cost charges and fixed demand.
  • When consumer’s average power factor is 0.99 the effective incentive is 5%, and for unity power factor it is 7%.

2.  Load factor incentives :

  1. This type of incentives are applicable to HT consumers of special category.
  2. Consumers having load factor over 75% and up to 85% will be entitled to rebate of 0.75% on the energy charges for every per cent point increase in load factor from 75 to 85%.
  3. Consumer using energy at a load factor above 0.85 will get rebate of 1% on energy charges for every per cent point increase in the load factor from 85%.
  4. Total rebate payable to the consumer under this head will be subjected to a ceiling of 15% of total energy charges.
  5. Rebate on load factor improvement is applicable to those consumers, having no dues of previous electricity bills.
  6. It will be given to those such consumers who are prompt in payment and make payment within 7 days from the date of bill or within 5 days of the receipt of particular bill.
  7. If the billing demand exceeds the contract demand in that month, no incentive is payable.
  8. Generally, 22 hours to 6 hours is non-peak hours of the day for load demand, if a consumer uses maximum demand beyond his contract demand , the load factor incentive is payable to him, but the consumer has to pay penalty charges for exceeding the contract maximum demand.

3. Penalty on using power at lower power factor :

  • Generally, consumers are supposed to use power at a particular power factor. 
  • In case of H.T consumers if they use power below a particular p.f. i.e. say 0.9 they are charged extra as penalty for using power at low power factor on % basis of low power factor below 0.9.

4. Penalty on delayed payment :

  • Electricity company gives some bonus on early and prompt payment of energy bills to consumers, while charges extra if the consumers makes payment after the specified date of payment, so as to cultivate the practice of early and prompt payment of energy bills in the consumers.

5. Penalty for exceeding contract demand :

  • Power consumers and H.T. consumers make contract of particular maximum demand of power 
  • Hence at their premises a maximum demand indicator is installed the reading and setting of which is taken in every month and if the M.D. exceeds the contract demand the consumer is charged extra for the excess demand of power.

6.  Maximum demand :

  • It is the maximum power that the consumer may demand at any time.
  • It is measured in kW or kVA using M.D. meter.

7. Contract demand :

  • It is the demand of power made by the consumer and mutually agreed through written documents between the consumer and the supply authority in kW or kVA. 

8. Sanctioned load :

  • It is the load which a consumer is going to use for his machinery, equipments etc and is mutually agreed between the consumer and supply agency.
  • It is also measured in kW or KVA.

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