Types of Solar Cell, Efficiencies and Ratings of Solar Cell

Types of Solar Cell, Efficiencies and Ratings

Types of Solar Cell, Efficiencies and Ratings

Rating of solar cell :

Each solar cell generates 0.5 to 1 volt D.C supply. Current density is between 20 to 40 A / mm² I.e. 0.8 Amp.

Types of solar cells and their efficiencies :

  1. Monocrystalline solar cells (10 to 17%),
  2. Polycrystalline solar cells (10 to 13%),
  3. Amorphous solar cells (7 to 10%),
  4. Hybrid solar cells (18 to 30%),
  5. Dye-sensitized type (7 to 8%),
  6. Organic thin layer type (2 to 3%).

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