Types of Solar Concentrating Collectors

Types of Solar Concentrating Collectors

Types of Solar Concentrating Collectors

The concentrating type of collectors can be broadly classified into following two categories

1. Focusing type or concentrating type collectors :

In these type of collectors, the optical system focuses the solar radiations on to the absorber. These are further classified as :

(a) Line focusing type concentrators.

(b) Point focusing type concentrators.

In case of line focusing collectors, the solar radiations are focused on the absorber or collector pipe through which the working fluid flows. The temperatures attained by the fluid are generally in the range of 150°C to 400°C.

In point focusing concentrators, the point to be considered will be a small volume through which fluid flows . In this temperatures beyond 500° C of the fluid can be attained.

2. Non-focusing type collectors :

In case of non-focusing type collectors, the solar radiations are allowed to fall on the absorber after using reflection in the mirror.

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