What is Electrical Transformer, Construction of a Three Phase Electrical Transformer

Electrical Transformer
Q. Give the construction of a three phase transformer. Explain the same.
Q. Write a note on Transformer.

What is Electrical Transformer, Construction of a Three Phase Electrical Transformer
  • A transformer is a static device, which transfers power from one circuit to another circuit with the desired change is voltage and current without any change in the frequency.
  • It consists of two or more windings which are linked to each other through common magnetic field.
  • A transformer consists of primary winding and secondary winding which are wound on a magnetic core and they are electrically insulated from each other as well as from core.
  • The classification of transformer is based on the relative arrangement of the core and the windings.
  • According to construction two main types are core type transformer and shell type transformer.
  • The distribution step down transformer is meant for distribution of electrical energy for all the 24 hours of a day irrespective of varying demand of energy.
  • So core losses which are constant losses take place all the while.
  • These losses shall be as minimum as possible and hence due core is taken in designing magnetic core parts for low iron loss so that efficiency shall be as more as possible.

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Created By :- Deepakkumar Yadav

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