Why indirect tests are carried out in Machine
Q. Explain why indirect tests are carried out. Give one example.
There are two categories of testing the machine,
(i) Direct testing (ii) Indirect testing
Direct testing is advisable for small capacity machines. But for big capacity machines direct are not possible. This is because
(i) That much loading arrangements are not possible / available.
(ii) Duc to time duration of testing, the energy required in testing is lost which is not economical
(iii) Temperature rise will hamper the windings if cooling arrangement is not provided.
(iv) Time required for full load testing is much more.
Example :
- If transformer of 100 MVA is to be tested by direct loading, then that heavy load to be connected on secondary side will not be available and metering system may not be available at testing place. So m such case O.C. and S.C. test is possible which is a indirect method of testing