Working Principle of Electrical Transformer

Working Principle of Transformer
Q. Explain the working principle of a transformer.

The transformer works on the principle of electromagnetic Induction.
Explanation of Working

  • Transformer has the iron core. There are two windings put on the iron core. One winding has N1 number of turns and is connected to A.C. supply.
  • This winding is called as primary winding. The second winding has N, number of turns and is called as secondary winding.
  • When primary is connected to A.C. supply. A.C. current is circulated in it which produces alternating flux. This alternating flux links with the primary winding and EMF of Q self-induction E1 is produced in it. This alternating flux also links with the number of turns of the secondary winding and E.M.E. (E2) of mutual induction is produced in the secondary winding.
  • The magnitude of self and mutually induced E.M.E. depends on rate of change of flux linkages 
  • Now  dф/dt  is same for primary and secondary.
  • Thus by suitably selecting the number of turns for primary and secondary windings a desired voltage can be obtained from the transformer from the available voltage.
  • If the number of turns of secondary are more than the primary turns (N2 > N1) then we get more voltage from the secondary and the transformer is known as STEP-UP transformer.
  • If the number of turns of the secondary are lesser than the primary turns (N2 < N1) then we get the lesser voltage from the secondary of the transformer. This transformer is known as the STEP DOWN transformer.

What is Electrical Transformer, Construction of a Three Phase Electrical Transformer:-

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Created By :- Deepakkumar Yadav

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