Electrical Energy Production in India

Electrical Energy Production in India

Electrical Energy Production in India

  1. All the primary energy sources are used basically for electrical energy generation.
  2. Still 60% of Indian villages are unelectrified mainly the affected states being Bihar, Jharkhand, Assam, Orissa and U.P.
  3. Agriculture accounts for 16% of electrical energy use but the revenue realisation is just 5%.
  4. Whereas the industry utilizes 49% of electrical energy production with 80 % revenue utilization.
  5. Other sectors like commercial, residential and transport utilize the remainder energy.
  6. India has the highest transmission and distribution losses amounting to almost 40% to 50% of total electric power generation.
  7. It is estimated that the peak demand from present of 1576 GW will rise to 213 GW by the end of XII Plan in 2012.

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