Coal Burning System in Thermal Power Plant

Coal Burning System

Coal Burning System

It is essential that the fuel is burnt efficiently and economically and the heat energy released is transferred efficiently to water in order to obtain better plant efficiency. In case of coal fired plants, the factors like fuel size, rate of firing supply of air and moisture content in the coal affect the combustion process.
The fuel is burnt in confined space called furnace. It provides the required enclosure and support for burning equipment.
There are two ways of burning :
  1. Solid fuel firing like coal, coke etc in the furnaces. It uses hand firing or stoker firing methods.
  2. Pulverized (powdered) coal firing uses burners in unit and bin or central systems.
Selection of Firing Methods :
The selection of firing method for a particular plant depends on the following :
  1. Type of coal used.
  2. Capacity and load factor of plant.
  3. Efficient operation of the system.
  4. Reliability of equipment used.
  5. Cost of equipment and its maintenance cost.

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