Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Thermal Power Plants

Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Thermal Power Plants
Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Thermal Power Plants

 Advantages of Solar Thermal Power Plants (Over other Conventional Thermal Power Plants) 

  1. The process of energy conversion is pollution free.
  2. No fossil fuel is required (so saving in fuels).
  3. No transportation of fuels as coal (oil transportation in conventional plants).
  4. It can be erected at convenient/remote areas.

Disadvantages of Solar Thermal Power Plants

  1. Thermal storage system is required.
  2. These plants have very less thermal efficiency.
  3. Cost per unit (cost/kWh) generation Is higher as compared with other plants.
  4. Standby power is needed.
  5. May not be possible to supply power continuously.
  6. Very large space is required for collecting radiations.
  7. Needs favorable sunshine conditions.

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