Applications of Solar Energy

Applications of Solar Energy

Applications of Solar Energy

Solar energy is successfully employed in the following applications of day to day life of today.

  1. Heating and cooling of residential buildings.
  2. Solar water heating.
  3. Drying of agricultural and animal products.
  4. Solar distillation on small scale.
  5. Salt production by evaporation of sea water or inland brines.
  6. Solar-cookers.
  7. Solar engines for water pumping.
  8. Food refrigeration.
  9. Bio – conversion and wind energy, which are indirect sources of solar energy.
  10. Solar furnaces.
  11. Solar electric power generation by :

    (i) Solar ponds
   (ii) Steam generators heated by rotating reflectors or by tower concept.

  1. Reflectors with lenses and pipes for fluid circulation.
  2. Solar photovoltaic cells.

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