Tests to be Carried out on Transformer Under Routine Tests and Special Tests

Tests to be Carried out on Transformer Under Routine Tests and Special tests

Q. Enlist any four tests to be carried out on transformer under routine tests and special tests.

Routine Tests : 

  1. Measurement of D.C. Resistance of Winding
  2. Measurement of Voltage Ratio and Check of Voltage. Vector Relationship  (Polarity Test and Phasing – out Test)
  3. Measurement of Insulation Resistance
  4. Dielectric Test 

Special tests :

  1. Dielectric tests 
  2. Measurement of zero sequence impedance of three phase transformer
  3. Measurement of the harmonics of no load current 
  4. Measurement of acoustic noise level             


Tests to be Carried out on Transformer Under Routine Tests and Special Tests


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