Advantages of Phase Balancing
Following are the main advantages of phase balancing :
- Due to phase balancing the load is uniformly and almost equally distributed on all the three phases of the system. Due to imbalance, feeder capacity is not property utilized hence balancing makes proper utilization of feeder capacity.
- Current balancing procedure will remove extra current loading from over loaded phase and shift it on under loaded one. Hence, it will make available feeder capacity for future load demand , without changing the line conductors.
- This feeder capacity provides more backup capacity for emergency loading on the feeders.
- Technical losses are proportional to square of current. As maximum current values are reduced by current balancing the losses are reduced and also the reactive power loss is reduced.
- It improves voltage of each feeder or voltage available at the terminals of all the consumers will be almost equal.
- It improves feeder capacity and improve voltage quality with reduction in losses.