Application of Diesel Power Plants
The main applications of diesel electric power plants are as follows :
- Central power station : The use of diesel power plants in central power station is limited upto 5 MW to SOMW capacity. The limit is generally decided by the cost of the plant and the conditions like availability of fuel, water and space.
- Peak load plants : Diesel engine plants are used for supplying peak loads in combination with thermal or hydro-electric power since diesel plants can be started and stopped quickly to meet the peak loads. It reduces the cost of power generation per unit.
- Stand by units : Diesel power plants can be used as stand by unit to supply part loads whenever required e.g. in case of hydro plants when its power output is reduced due to shortage of water head or shortage of rain fall, diesel plant may be run in parallel with hydro plants.
- Emergency plants : In case of steam or hydro plants fail to supply power, the diesel power plants can be run to meet the essential loads in such an emergency.
- Mobile plants : Mobile diesel generators mounted on a trailor can be used to supply power in case of emergency like power failure or to supplement the shortage of power.
- Power plants for small industries : Diesel power plants can be used for small industries for short periods or for seasonal loads or where reliability of power is essential throughout the day.
- Nursery stations : In case the power grid is not available in remote areas or in small township under development because of non-availability of enough load for the grid in the area diesel power plants may be installed temporarily to supply power. When the load develops and the grid system is available, the diesel power plant is removed to the another required place.