Schematic Diagram of Diesel Power Plant

Schematic Diagram of Diesel Power Plant

The schematic diagram of a diesel power plant is shown in figure.
Schematic Diagram of Diesel Power Plant
The essential components of a diesel power plant are :
  1. Diesel engine
  2. Air intake system
  3. Exhaust system
  4. Cooling water system
  5. Fuel supply system
  6. Lubrication system
  7. Diesel engine starting system
  8. Governing of engine (not shown)
  1. Diesel engine and generator : Diesel engine is the main component to develop mechanical power which is used to run a generator which is directly coupled to the enginc. Generator converts the mechanical energy into electric energy.
  2. Engine air intake system : Air is drawn by the engine through a filter which removes the dust from air. The engine may also have a supercharger (not shown) to increase the pressure of intake air. Air intake system should not be located inside the plant room.
  3. Exhaust system : The exhaust of the engine through its duct and the silencer is discharged to atmosphere. Silencer is used to reduce the noise.
  4. Cooling system : The system provides the circulation of cooling water to the cylinder jacket to control the temperature of cylinder within safe limits. System consists of a surge tank, jacket water pump, the heat exchanger and the cooling tower.
  5. Engine fuel system : From fuel tank, fuel is supplied to fuel day tank through fuel filter and fuel pump. From the fuel day tank, the fuel is injected to various engine cylinders by the fuel injection pump (F.I.P) through a filter.
  6. Lubrication system : Lubrication system includes the lubricating oil tank, pumps, filters and lubricating oil cooler. Lubrication is essential to reduce the friction and wear of rubbing parts.
  7. Starting system : For initial starting of the engine a compressed air filled in the compressed air bottle by an air compressor is used.

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