Comparison between Nuclear and Conventional Thermal Power Plants

Comparison between Nuclear and Conventional Thermal Power Plants Advantages of nuclear power plants over thermal power plants : For similar capacity plants, the space required is less. Cost of fuel transportation, storage and handling is very less since nuclear fuel requirements is much less compared to coal. It is more economical to operate, particularly in … Read more

Selection of Site for Nuclear Power Plants

Selection of Site for Nuclear Power Plants Various points to be considered in selection of site for nuclear power plants are as follows : Availability of water for steam generation and cooling water for condenser. It should be nearer to sea, river or reservoir. Nearer to load centre to reduce power transmission losses. Away from … Read more

Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactors (LMFBR) and its Advantages and Disadvantages

Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactors (LMFBR) and its Advantages and Disadvantages When uranium U235 is fissioned by slow neutrons it produces heat and an additional neutron. In case a fertile material like U238 is kept in the same reactor surrounding the core of U235, the fast moving additional neutron is absorbed by U238 and converts it into plutonium … Read more

Liquid Metal Reactor or Sodium Graphite Reactor (SGR) Power Plant and its Advantages and Disadvantages

Liquid Metal Reactor or Sodium Graphite Reactor (SGR) Power Plant and its Advantages and Disadvantages Sodium graphite reactor is a typical liquid metal reactor. The arrangement of a sodium graphite reactor power plant is shown in Figure. It uses graphite as the moderator and liquid sodium as coolant which can reach temperature of about 850°C … Read more

CANDU Reactor Power Plant and its Advantages and Disadvantages

CANDU Reactor Power Plant and its Advantages and Disadvantages A reactor developed and designed by Canadian is called as CANDU (Canadian Deutorium Uranium) reactor. It uses pressurized heavy water (PHW) (which is 99.8% deutorium oxide, D2O) a moderator and primary coolant while the fuel used is natural uranium. A CANDUPHW (Canadian Deutoriam Uranium Pressurized Heavy … Read more

The Gas Cooled Reactors (GCR) and its Advantages and Disadvantages

The Gas Cooled Reactors (GCR) and its Advantages and Disadvantages A gas cooled reactor was first developed in U.K. uses CO2, as coolant instead of water and graphite as moderator. It is called gas cooled graphite moderated (GCGM) reactor. It uses natural uranium as fuel. The coolant pressure is about 7 bar and temperature 336°C. … Read more

The Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) Power Plant and its Advantages and Disadvantages

The Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) Power Plant and its Advantages and Disadvantages The arrangement of a boiling water reactor power plant is shown in Figure. It uses enriched uranium as fuel and water is used both as coolant and moderator. These reactors do not require a heat exchanger as needed in case of pressurized water … Read more